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Allen Lane
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Computer scientist Pedro Domingos, one of the field's leading lights, lifts the veil to give us a peek inside the learning machines that power Google, Amazon and your smartphone. Step by step, he assembles a blueprint for the future universal learner - the master algorithm - and discusses what it means for you and for the future of business, science and society.
2) Too much information: ... or can everyone just shut up for a moment, some of us are trying to think
Ebury Press
Pub. Date
Nowadays, the world is full of people trying to tell us things. So much so that we have taught our brains not to pay much attention. After all, click the mouse, tap the screen, flick the channel and it's on to the next thing. But Dave Gorman thinks it's time to have a closer look, to find out how much nonsense we tacitly accept. Suspicious adverts, baffling newspaper headlines, fake twitter, endless cat videos, insane TV shows where the presenters...
Carlton Books
Pub. Date
Through self-help assessments, step-by-step programmes and rebalancing techniques, 'Unplugged' shows you how technology can still play an important role in your life but not at the expense of relationships, and shows how to create a healthy balance between the two.
Bodley Head
Pub. Date
How many times have you checked your phone today? Why are messaging apps, email and social media so hard to resist? How come we always end up watching another episode? In recent years, media and technology have perfected the lucrative art of gaining and holding our attention. This extraordinary feat has changed the behaviour of billions of people, and especially the young: by current medical standards, we are experiencing an unprecedented, global...
Portfolio Penguin
Pub. Date
The Fourth Industrial Revolution is changing everything - from the way we relate to each other, to the work we do, the way our economies work, and what it means to be human. We cannot let the brave new world that technology is currently creating simply emerge. All of us need to help shape the future we want to live in. But what do we need to know and do to achieve this? In this book, Klaus Schwab explores how people from all backgrounds and sectors...
Allen Lane
Pub. Date
Today Google and Facebook receive 90% of the world's news ad-spending. Amazon takes half of all ecommerce in the US. Google and Apple operating systems run on all but 1% of cell phones globally. And 80% of corporate wealth is now held by 10% of companies - not the GEs and Toyotas of this world, but the digital titans. In this book, Financial Times global business columnist Rana Foroohar documents how Big Tech lost its soul - and became the new Wall...
Penguin Books
Pub. Date
AI is the future of science, technology, and business - and there is no person better qualified or situated to explore that future than Max Tegmark. What has AI brought us? Where will it lead us? The story of AI is the story of intelligence - of life processes as they evolve from bacteria (1.0) to humans (2.0), where life processes define their own software, to technology (3.0), where life processes design both their hardware and software. It raises...