Inspired by the classic Christmas tale 'A Christmas Carol', this story follows Carol, a Christmas fairy. For eleven months of the year, she's stuck in a box. When she's finally allowed out for Christmas, she's stuck spending her freedom on a spiky branch! How is this fair? Carol decides she wants her freedom after all.
When the International Society of Fairies discovers that Carol has left her post, Operation Scrooge is immediately launched. Can...
Milton finds that almost everything frightens him. But one day, he makes a mysterious new friend, who claims to have the solution to his problem.
Can some magic change the way that Milton sees the world, and himself?
Whether you read this book in guided reading sessions, in assembly or with individual children, you'll have a fantastic time with and be thoroughly entertained by this book! It's available as an eBook, a PDF, and even in PowerPoint format,...
Step inside the old toy room with Lottie and meet some new friends on a truly magical adventure.
This fun children’s book features a girl who has a great time in her grandmother’s playroom after discovering some vintage toys. With the help of a beautiful rocking horse called Chester, Lottie explores a wonderful imaginary land, meeting toy soldiers, rag dolls and other old-fashioned toys along the way. This beautiful story for children introduces...
When Edie gets a new tablet for her birthday, she's told not to tap any pop-ups. But it's hard to resist when they're blocking her favourite game!
As pop-up gremlins take over her room, Edie soon learns when she should Stop, Close and Tell.
Listen and Follow. Scan the QR code inside and press play to hear the story read aloud.
Bug needs a bath so he hitches a lift to the pool with some friends. Follow Bug as he travels up, under, down, in and between. Will he make it to the pool for his bath?
Twinkl helps those who teach. We provide educators around the world with entire schemes of work, lesson planning and assessments, plus online educational games, innovative augmented reality and lots, lots more.
When Akal moves to a new village, he finds out about a special celebration: Mother's and Other's Day. He's heard of Mother's Day before but who are the 'others'?
As Akal makes new friends, he discovers that there are lots of people in our lives who deserve to be celebrated.
Twinkl help those who teach. We provide educators around the world with entire schemes of work, lesson planning and assessments, plus online educational games, innovative augmented...